Do you feel confident, intuitive, sexy, effortlessly magnetic, radiant, inspired, creative, turned-on and in-love with life?

If you don't, you aren’t alone. The majority of women haven’t mastered these essential life skills. Once you do, you’ll:

âś“ Experience the love, happiness, peace, and fulfilling relationships that you crave.

✓ Draw incredible things, opportunities, and people to you.

✓ Heal patterns of anxious or avoidant attachment

✓ Eliminate overthinking relationships, work, life, etc.

✓ Effortlessly attract more fulfilling, authentic, deep and unconditionally loving relationships.

âś“ Become magnetic to extraordinary people of all, women, romantic connections, incredible friends, etc.

✓ Feel more vibrant, radiant, confident, and sexy within your body.

✓ Improve your relationships, by improving your relationship with yourself.

✓ Improve your sex-life, by revolutionizing your sex-life with yourself.

✓ Feel empowered, safe and boundaries in your sexuality, and experience more turn on, natural lubrication, and orgasms (without a partner or vibrator).

✓ Know how to tap into an energy of wholeness, infinite love, abundance and happiness within yourself at any time! This is the key to magnetism and healthy, fulfilling relationships that last.

✓ Manifest your desires as the conscious co-creator of your life.

âś“ Have endless creativity and inspiration in your work and passions.

✓ Have cash fall into your lap.

✓ Wake up feeling calm, grateful and in-love with life.

✓ Receive WAY more, while doing WAY less (the feminine energy is where we attract, magnetize and receive).

Yes, It Really Is Possible!

Feminine Energy Magic (FEM) is an 10-week Group Program where you will awaken, embody, circulate and live from your powerful, receptive, magnetic and magical feminine energy.

This course contains the path, practices, lessons and tools to feeling more vibrant, juicy, sexy, confident, turned on, "at-home" in your body, and effortlessly magnetic -- all of which you can keep coming back to for the rest of your life.

You’ll receive pre-recorded videos, followed up by live, interactive Q&A calls, group healing sessions, and community support calls with breakouts. Each week you'll have the opportunity to meet live with Alesha and the group at least twice.

In between, you’ll have “homeplay” assignments to integrate and play with your new feminine energy powers. I’ll be there to troubleshoot with you every step of the way.

If a woman is overthinking, overworking, trying to be liked and/or disconnected from her receptive feminine energy, her sexuality and her body, she is experiencing significant challenges and limitations.



"In the beginning of the week I felt very sensitive and had to take the Yoni Egg Magic practice slow. After practicing this 5 times this week, i am absolutely amazed... I have been more turned on, juicy, buzzing...! The charging meditation gets me soooo excited and ecstatic about this life! I have gained more clarity of exactly what I want as well... so amazing. thank you for this magical practice! AHH!"

Krista K.

"This course is a MUST!!! I have taken 3 of Alesha's courses and this is my most favorite!!! I am living my best life fully embodied and present. This work was intense and transformed my daily practice into taking care of me!!! Highly recommend!

This work has changed my life!! When I met Alesha I was not in a great frequency. I had a lot of insecurity, doubt and fear around who I was and my purpose. Love Embodied is by far is the most magical masterpiece!!! Alesha took me on a journey to get to know myself from the inside out. When I started this course I was afraid of my voice and my presence. I didn’t know how my light was supposed to shine. I was searching and reaching and felt like I was failing at life because I didn’t know what I was supposed to do in this world. As I continued to practice the meditations, heart openers and breathwork I continued to notice a difference in my personal wellness and mental clarity. After this course I am so confident just to be able to stand in my light and be comfortable with not knowing what comes next. I am in a safe and trusting space with the universe that allows me to expand just as I am without any external or internal expectation. I am a lighthouse and I have learned how to be comfortable to just be in that space. The minute I focused on the abundance I have, my light shined bright and my next adventure was ready to begin! I highly recommend this work if you are ready to do the work to commit to your heart and let your love shine bright!!!"


“Alesha, I want you to know you have already helped me make HUGE and amazing changes in every aspect of my life! Know that all the tools you are teaching me are helping me become the very best version of myself and I feel more and more confident, motivated, and comfortable everyday. I feel closer to my true self than I have felt in years and I feel like I’m starting to reach a point where I am elevating to an even higher more peaceful place within myself than I have ever been before! I can’t thank you enough!! 

Thank you so much again for everything!! I really wish you could take a peak into my life, heart and soul and see first hand how much healing you have helped facilitate and what a tremendous positive change you have made in my life. I know I’m the one who has to do the work but you have been the guide to get me here and joining this course has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life! The work you do is truly amazing!!! I can’t thank you enough for everything.”


“I started doing the practices and so many little things have started to click in my life. I feel a greater sense of peace and inner love that l've never felt before. I am single now but recently went on a first date in Rio and had this amazing connection with this guy from just laying my head in his chest, this sense of peace and intimacy that I have only ever felt in my first relationship which lasted 11 years and he said he felt this sense of peace too! So it's crazy how when you start being connected to love inside of you, you can start having some of these experiences so quickly. I just wanted to thank you so far and say that even though I haven't been able to join our classes live I am very grateful to have joined this course and have been enjoying it very much.”


"I first hired Alesha to assist me in my obsessive thoughts. I would spiral and slip into scarcity and worst case scenario out of nowhere. My anxiety was constant and I could never fully shake the feeling but I knew I was ready to feel something/anything different. Alesha has helped me uncover so many layers of myself I never knew needed healed. She’s done a beautiful job of knowing exactly what I need in every session. She is so intuitive and magical in the ways she can read you and attune to your needs and desires without you even saying it. Her energy she brings to the sessions is so grounded, loving and safe and soft. Out of all the books, coaches, ceremonies, retreats I’ve done, she has been by far the most transformational investment I’ve made in myself. Hiring her was honestly the best thing I have ever done for myself. I wish I had words to express how deeply grateful I am for her and her work, but no matter what I say I will fall short of how powerful my time with her has been. It was that good. She IS that good! Since working with Alesha, not only am I living from a place of deep peace, but also abundance and freedom. I feel like an entire new person. Everything I’ve been searching externally for Alesha has showed me is inside of me, waiting to be felt, moved, expressed & loved. I have so much gratitude and love for myself now. I never want our sessions to end. I would recommend her to the entire world if I could. Thank you thank you thank you Alesha!"


"Alesha’s energy is like a warm hug and sunshine! She curated such an incredible container within the course and held her students in the most tender and loving ways. I cannot recommend Alesha and this course enough!! Alesha’s coaching and her content inside allowed me to approach life differently and dig deep in ways that have previously felt overwhelming and scary, really getting to know myself on a more intimate level. Each module was created with intention, and pleasantly surprised me at how GOOD it felt to unpack and release so that I could breathe into flow and abundance. At the end of this container I felt an immense amount of love for myself - something that I haven’t ever truly understood, experienced, or prioritized. This is an excellent course for anyone looking to step into their higher self through embracing self love, and unapologetically shine in their own life. I am forever grateful for Alesha and cannot recommend her courses enough! She is a true gem ✨"


"Embodying my feminine side is the best thing that's ever happened to me. I'm so grateful that I felt called to do this work and the sacred container Alesha holds for us."

Here's what you receive...

  • 8x Video Modules
  • 10x Live Quantum Group Healing Calls with Alesha
  • 10x Live Community Support Calls
  • Breathwork Healing Ceremonies for deep energetic and emotional healing, clearing, and manifesting
  • Yoni Egg Magic! A practice to re-awaken, heal, reconnect, and utilize your most creative, magnetizing power source: your vagina, womb, and sexual life force energy
  • Guided Visualizations + Meditations to anchor in your manifestations every day
  • Embodiment Practices for healing + clearing + manifesting
  • Journaling Prompts
  • Alesha's fun, simple Morning Magic Routine that will anchor you into your body, abundance, and pleasure every day
  • Lifetime Access to content & replays

NOTE: you will supply the yoni egg & string ~$50-$70 USD. Recommendations will be emailed to you upon enrollment.

Sophia manifested her dream career and is now living in alignment with her soul and making an impact in the world!

A little bit about your teacher…

Hi! My name's Alesha. I spent most of my life numb and disconnected from my sensual, turned on, pleasured nature.

Any time I felt turned on or pleasure I would quickly find a way to get rid of it or give it away.

For many years I struggled with eating disorders, anxiety, depression, poor body image, and an all around nasty inner critic that I couldn’t get to shut the f*ck up.

I would feel obsessed with men (who in reality I barely knew), giving my time, energy, attention, and power away to thinking about them, worrying about them, and wanting them to want me.

When I began to choose myself,

ask for help and invest my time, money and energy into myself,

heal my attachment wounds,

embody my healthy masculine and feminine energies,

develop emotional intelligence,

know myself, trust myself and fall in-love with myself and my life,

communicate my needs and boundaries, 

and heal stuck energies and trauma from my past,

my entire world TRANSFORMED!

I quantum leaped in all areas of life.

I moved to dream locations (I've been traveling the world working remote since 2020 — a DREAM of mine since I was young),

I have manifested and magnetized the most incredible dream friendships who feel like sisters and brothers,

dreamy romantic experiences,

soulmate clients,

endless creativity,

financial and time freedom,

an enthusiasm to fully LIVE,

and an overall sense of “YUM” about my body, myself, and my life.

I began to glow from within,

and so many people noticed and commented.

My body naturally became sleeker, fitter, and healthier.

I became more magnetic, happy, relaxed, open, and at peace.

I became secure and confident when dating, and magnetic to incredible men without fear of the attention nor the attention inflating my ego.

I began to deeply trust the universe supporting me and life began to flow with ease. My needs always being met as I live present and follow my intuition to the next best step.

The list truly goes on and on!

Along the journey, I became deeply passionate about studying, mastering and teaching these essential lessons, tools and practices to support others. Here's a bit of my education and experience:

  • Bachelors degree in Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Masters degree in Kinesiology with a concentration in Sport and Exercise Psychology
  • Certified Exercise Physiologist (ACSM-EP)
  • Certified Behavior Change Specialist (NASM)
  • Certified Somatic Life Coach (Pause)
  • Certified Breathwork Facilitator (Pause)
  • Certified Healer - All Levels (David Elliott)
  • Coached clients around the world since 2018
  • Completed courses and received coaching and healing sessions from some of the best of the best in the industry (over $120K invested in personal development alone)
  • Currently studying at the Luminous Awareness Institute to become a Certified Luminous Awareness Practitioner

Inside of Feminine Energy Magic we will not only awaken and activate your healthy, vibrant, magnetic and receptive feminine energy, but we will also work with early developmental and attachment trauma repair, the foundation required for all further healing and growth.

In each class/session I use a variety of tools and skills including high levels of awareness, breathwork healing, somatic movement and embodiment, super-powered counseling skills, energetic transmissions, tracking and energy work to facilitate the highest possible outcome for the collective consciousness of everyone inside. No two classes, or groups, are the same.

Everyone (including you), has the ability to access and utilize into this magical work for improving your life, relationships, and experiencing more peace, happiness, and effortless magnetism than you ever believed possible!

I am so, so grateful to have the opportunity to share with you what I have discovered works.

Inside of Feminine Energy Magic I will show you exactly how to unlock this magic for yourself. :)

How it works:

1. The first step is to choose yourself! Apply by clicking the button below.

2. If you are approved and enrolled, you will receive an email with the details and dates to save to your calendar.

3. Create an account to our private site where you will access the modules + content + breathwork + meditations + homeplay + Yoni Egg Magic + more!

4. Take some time to celebrate choosing YOU by investing in yourself, your life, your body, your health, your happiness, your relationships, and your future! You deserve it.

5. Relax, breathe, and enjoy receiving all of the guidance and support from Alesha that you've claimed.



Please choose the investment that is most aligning for you on your application form.

$500 x 3 Monthly Payments


$1410 USD Paid in Full (saving 6%)

(Extended 6-12 month payment plans are available through Klarna or Afterpay)