EP 25: Using Your Intuition to Make Decisions to Live a Life of Synchronicity, Flow, and Magic

Season #2 Episode #25

If you feel called to this episode, you are likely being led to live a life outside of the “normal” way people operate.

Where you feel constrained within the boxes and structures that society or your family or the media has placed on you.

Where you’re feeling called to live a life that is extra-ordinary, a life that blows you away, a life full of magic, flow, possibility, synchronicity, abundance, love, laughter, incredible sex, impact, and adventure.

If this feels like you, then tune in, get cozy, and listen up!

This episode is going to break down how I make decisions that are in alignment with my soul - that oftentimes my mind is questioning - and other people DEFINITELY are questioning and dumbfounded with what I say I want to do.

You’ll hear some personal examples of how I tune into my intuition, inner voice, inner guiding system, spirit and soul (all the same things used interchangeably) and learn how moving through fears will ultimately lead you to living the most magical life that you are in-love with.

Grab a journal, a cozy cup, take a big deep breath, relax, and enjoy <3


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I love you!

xx Alesha


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