Ep 20: Your body is a transmitter! If you want to be desired, open to DESIRING YOURSELF first

Season #1 Episode #20

In this episode I talk about how your body is a transmitter. Your thoughts and beliefs send the signal out, your emotions and body draw the experience to you. So many manifestation and personal development coaches teach only mindset work ... you may even *begin* to believe with your mind all that you want to believe, you may notice temporary shifts and manifestations...

YET your reality doesn’t fully transform and stabilize in a new desired frequency because your body is addicted to patterns of the past ❌

True self-love, manifestation, and healing begins and ends with how you feel about you within your body. Imagine your dream reality is already here... how would you walk? Talk? Dress? BE? 🤔

Start showing up as him/her today, and every day.

If it sounds simple it’s because it ultimately IS simple! The challenging part is expanding past your limitations, staying open beyond your patterns of closure, feeling through the pain and wounding that shows up, retraining your nervous system that pleasure and ease get to be your new norm and you won’t settle for anything less.

This is a big part of the work we do inside of  Love Embodied. As you experience the embodiment practices and teachings with me, you begin to surrender into and remember that your innate essence IS LOVE, joy, pleasure, & limitlessness, that it was always there, and that you have the ability and power to access it at any given time and stabilize it as your new norm.

🔮Then, with subtle tweaks here and there, you become a master of co-creation and quantum manifestation!!!🍾


Do you feel the call to Love Embodied? Click here: Love Embodied, my 8-week self love and divine feminine embodiment group coaching program!

 Love Embodied, my 8-week self love and divine feminine embodiment group coaching program!
1:1 Coaching & Healing with Alesha
Alesha's Instagram - let's connect! I am obsessed with human connection... DM me your biggest takeaways from this episode, I can't wait to hear! <3
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I love you!
xx Alesha


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Don't worry I wont be spamming you, just helping you connect to yourself and feel amazing in your body.