Ep 19: Your pleasure and self-love is your gift to the world & it makes you absolutely magnetic!

Season #1 Episode #19

Your pleasure is your gift! Your turn on is your gift! It is medicine to your body alchemizing your pain, liberating you from anxiety, self doubt, and fear, and it brings you into this moment (the only moment!) where you get to be a vessel for love and life to flow through you with ease.

The more pleasure I surrender into —> the more joy, love, and ease is created in my life and the people around me.

I am a more present, happy, and loving daughter, coach, friend, and lover.

I am aligned with the universal energy of love so of COURSE things flow like magic and synchronicity

It all begins with retraining your body and nervous system to expand your capacity to feel pleasure in your body. Then, the magic begins to unfold on its own.😌🤩 


Love Embodied, my 8-week self love and divine feminine embodiment group coaching program!

1:1 Coaching & Healing with Alesha

Alesha's Instagram - let's connect! I am obsessed with human connection... DM me your biggest takeaways from this episode, I can't wait to hear! <3

Questions? --> [email protected]

I love you!
xx Alesha


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