Ep 18: Going Beyond the Mind, Money Manifestation, and Healing Emotional Eating with Sarah Harken

Season #1 Episode #18

Welcome to an episode of candid conversations, laughter, wisdom, and awakening experiences with Sarah Harken, a Podcast Host, Self-Love and Healing Emotional Eating Coach, & Law of Attraction lover. Grab a cozy cup, sit back, and enjoy!

In this episode we chat all about:

  • Letting go of mental planning
  • The importance of going beyond mindset work with embodiment work for manifestation
  • How Sarah embodied abundance and received $$ immediately
  • Transitioning from hustle, force, push, and burnout in biz to flowing with intuition and energy work
  • Healing emotional eating and the diet/binge cycle at the core level... we both share what we really need when we felt/feel the pull to eat when we aren't truly hungry
  • Finding best friends virtually / online

Connect with Sarah Harken:
Instagram: @sarahjeanharken
Podcast: Her Vibe is Pretty

Work with Alesha:
Breathe & Receive - Alesha's signature Manifestation and Breathwork Digital Course
1:1 Coaching & Healing with Alesha

Alesha's Instagram - let's connect! I am obsessed with human connection... DM me your biggest takeaways from this episode, I can't wait to hear <3

Questions? --> [email protected]

xx Alesha


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