Ep 12: Creating Massive Impact & Income Following Your Intuition & Inspired Action

Season #1 Episode #12

It’s not your job to figure out how to accomplish your great purpose on earth. Your intuition wants to guide you to your dreams and desires, in ways that feel exciting and expansive. So often our minds, planning, pros/co lists, and fears prevent us from ever taking action. You are the clay, let the universe/source/god/infinite be the sculptor. Stay moist, malleable, relaxed, with the flow, so that you and your life can be molded into a great, beautiful, unique, and brilliant sculpture. Your job to deeply align in your heart and mind with your infinite soul within. Action steps will come and you will feel them through what feels expansive, exciting, or like a "YES YES YES" within (it will probably feel a little scary, too, because you're stepping outside of your comfort zone). Then your purpose will unfold in perfect timing. Your body and life will become an instrument of service and giving abundantly - (with pleasureeee I might add!), and thus you will receive abundantly more of what brings you pleasureeee. This means attracting more wealth of all kinds: financial freedom, love, opportunities, guidance, support, friends, community, clients, creative ideas, impact. It's pretty MAGICAL.

In the first week of Overflowing Money, Magic, and Impact I teach you exactly how to listen to and follow your intuition + inspired action.

Check out this episode to hear some of my experiences, and click the link below learn more about the course :)

You are worthy of giving + receiving it all!

xx Alesha

Overflowing Money Magic and Impact Digital Course
(doors close this week!)

Alesha's Instagram

Questions? --> [email protected]

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