Ep 11: Surrender and Have Fun to Receive Your Desires Manifested

Season #1 Episode #11

The universe doesn’t give you what you want or what you crave, the universe gives you what you are. In this episode you'll learn how letting go and having fun from a place of alignment allows you to become a vibrational match to receive your desires manifested. When you are in a lack vibration constantly obsessing over your desire, you're giving off "I don't have it" vibrations and thus attracting back to you more of not having it. When you can let go and have fun, you raise your vibration, free up room for the universe to do the heavy lifting, and are present in the moment to receive. I share with you powerful examples of how I surrendered and was led to one of my most precious manifestations to date, which came in a better way than I could have ever imagined. Grab a notebook, a cozy cup, and enjoy!

Sending you so much love!

xx Alesha

Overflowing Money Magic and Impact Digital Course
(doors close soon)

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