Ep 4: EXPERIENCE Creating Abundance in Times of Scarcity

Season #1 Episode #4

Welcome to the first experience episode of the podcast!

Abundance is an inside job - we are innately abundant, we just need to direct our breath and mind so our body remembers that truth. This gets your body into the energetic VIBRATION and FREQUENCY of abundance - from this place you will:
- Feel SAFE, comfortable, and peaceful SURRENDERING + relaxing into this present moment
- ATTRACT abundance to you with ease and flow
- Be OPEN to RECEIVING an overflow of money, love, support, opportunities, resources, health, etc.
- Generate more CREATIVE ideas

Not only do you feel safer, happier, abundant, free (without anything externally changing yet) ... but your external reality will follow... It HAS to. It's the law.

It's a win-win all around.

Your only job is to keep coming back to this vibration,
keep coming back to this practice,
keep doing the inner mindset + energy work whenever you no longer feel abundant.

This will rewire your subconscious brain and body to believe that overflow is your natural state so that always having more than enough is your new NORM.

 View Alesha's current offerings here: https://linktr.ee/breatheandreceive

MCC: Become a life coach who is a master at shifting energy: https://www.aleshamcneill.com/certification

Love Embodied: https://www.aleshamcneill.com/le


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Don't worry IĀ wont be spamming you, just helping youĀ connect to yourself and feel amazing in your body.