Ep 2: Manifesting Your Dreams in 10 Steps

Season #1

In this episode I break down my 10 steps to manifesting your dream life that will help you unlock yourself from the inside out and create your own reality so you can live a true life of freedom and flow, earning the money you desire, surrounded by people that inspire you, doing exactly what you love.

I discuss manifesting relationships, careers, $money$, homes, health, so much!

Learn how to:

  • Use your energy as a tool before taking action.
  • Reprogram your mind + energetic blueprint to believe you are worthy + already have what you desire to manifest
  • Surrender + receive support from the universe/source/God
  • Take courageous action even when feeling fearful
  • Let it be easy…and what that even means.
  • Embody the frequency of having what you desire.
  • Generational healing.
  • Live as if you have it now.
  • Take Inspired Action from a place of alignment
  • Be the gentle non-judgemental observer of what’s blocking or stopping you from recieving

 View Alesha's current offerings here: https://linktr.ee/breatheandreceive

MCC: Become a life coach who is a master at shifting energy: https://www.aleshamcneill.com/certification

Love Embodied: https://www.aleshamcneill.com/le

Questions? --> [email protected]

That’s it! If you enjoyed this episode or learned something that was helpful, I would love if you subscribed to and reviewed my podcast, and even sent it to someone you care about if you feel inspired to do so.


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Don't worry I wont be spamming you, just helping you connect to yourself and feel amazing in your body.