5 extraordinary examples of the power of prayer! allow something greater, stronger and smarter than you to help you live the life of your dreams

Season #4

Happy New Year! There is something greater, stronger and smarter than us all that wants to help you live the life of your dreams. The power of speaking to the Universe and asking for support has helped me create a deep sense of peace within my mind and power.

In this episode you'll hear 5 extraordinary stories from my own life on how, after praying, the Universe has nearly immediately helped me heal my emotions, experience more love in my life, overcome breakups, manifest business success and guidance on where to travel next!

Also, you'll learn my definition of prayer and 3 steps to effectively pray in a way that brings you quick success.

Grab a cozy cup and enjoy!

xx Alesha

New Years Masterclass: https://www.aleshamcneill.com/2023 

Links to work with Alesha: https://linktr.ee/breatheandreceive

Become a Manifestation Coach: https://www.aleshamcneill.com/certification


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