client coffee date: creating a home within ourselves, trusting the universe and becoming a coach with Alisha Norris

Season #4

I've worked the gorgeous soul, Alisha Norris, for 3 years now. She has been a private client of mine, she's taken nearly all of my courses and programs, including Love Embodied, and she recently graduated from the Manifestation Coach Certification! Within these 3 years, she healed from a 'terrible break-up' and transitioned from experiencing burn out working as a bartender to becoming an energy healing coach and breathwork facilitator, she's manifested travel, a new home, incredible friendships and most likely her favorite of all, a home within herself.

In this episode we have a fun coffee-date-chat about: 

  • Overcoming fear and building trust by letting the universe flow through and support her
  • How Alisha manifested finding her 'home' after 2 years of searching and frustration
  • The importance of creating a home within ourselves
  • When we outsource our love and joy, the universe may take those things from us to remind us that the source of our joy and love is within us
  • When we surrender, let go and enjoy ourselves, our desires appear quicker
  • 2 major lessons Alisha learned within our 3 years of working together that has completely changed her life
  • Alisha's experience switching from receiving therapy to energy and embodiment coaching
  • The importance of going beyond mindset work with embodiment work and working with all inner parts of ourselves
  • The pros and cons of the coaching industry
  • The top qualities Alisha and I look for in the coaches and mentors that we hire
  • What Alisha liked about me as a mentor :')
  • What Alisha's doing in the world now that she's graduated from my Manifestation Coach Certification!

You can connect with Alisha on Instagram @alishadn, TikTok @breathworkwithalisha111, and her website

Love Embodied:

MCC: Become a life coach who is a master at shifting energy:

View Alesha's current offerings here:


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Don't worry I wont be spamming you, just helping you connect to yourself and feel amazing in your body.