resting in expansive states of awareness and living from soul with Felicia Gualda

Season #4

In today's episode, we speak with one of my energy mentors and healers, the magical Felicia Gualda. In her essence, Felicia is an initiator of transformation intent on fully integrating body, soul, and Spirit. She takes a radical stand for all beings awakening to their true nature and authentically living their truth into the world. Her chosen offering for this earth mission — Energetic Mentorship.

Through a devoted exploration of the human experience, she artfully weaves together the worlds of attachment system repair, advanced energy healing, somatic coaching, business/wealth energetics, and spiritual development to optimize human potential through purpose and conscious reality creation.

She has an innate gift for creating safe and supportive environments for clients to feel seen and understood. Her approach is rooted in the principle of “direct experience” where she intuitively guides people into connection with their own inner sense of knowing, body intelligence, and intimacy with the present moment.

Join Felicia for a powerful and intimate woman’s retreat in Hawaii!!



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