58: the money, love, clients and life that you desire, desires YOU (using outer intention to manifest quicker and easier)

Season #4

Have you ever felt exhausted trying to become the vibrational match to your desires?

What if there was another way...

What if your desires already desired you...

Right here, right now, exactly for who you are today. Regardless of your emotional or vibrational state...

In Episode 58 of the Breathe and Receive Podcast I will share with you one of my favorite tools for manifesting the money, clients, love, travel, etc. that you desire in a quicker and easier way, by tapping into outer intention.

This episode is a clip from Module 1 of my Money Magnet digital course (which is opening soon for enrollment along with the Aligned and Abundant Business Bundle November 1st - 30th! See below for the waitlist & early discount link)

I hope this episode inspires you to tap into outer intention!

What you desire, desires YOU!

What you're looking for, is looking for YOU!


The Money Magnet digital course can purchased individually or purchase as part of the Aligned & Abundant Business Bundle. Courses, programs, and free meditations and trainings with Alesha â†’  https://linktr.ee/breatheandreceive



TikTok → https://www.tiktok.com/@alesha.soul 

Instagram → https://www.instagram.com/alesha.soul


Download 3 free practices!

Don't worry I wont be spamming you, just helping you connect to yourself and feel amazing in your body.