59: I almost quit being an online coach...how I find drive, motivation and self-discipline now (life updates + lessons part 1)

Season #4

In this episode I'm sharing with you a little life update! It always feels a bit vulnerable to talk about the challenges and struggles I move through so publicly, but it's important for me to keep it real with you. Today I'll share with you:

- What I've been up to the past 3 months

- Why I almost quit being an online coach last year

- How I moved through feeling crazy stuck, unmotivated, and disconnected from my work

- A series of miraculous events that reminded me of my spiritual connection to God/the Universe

- How I tap into an endless well of inspiration, motivation and creativity as a Coach (and how you can, too)

and more!

If you're an entrepreneur who finds it challenging to stay self-motivated and self-disciplined, this episode will speak to you big time. If you're not an entrepreneur, but you've been feeling a lack of motivation and enthusiasm for life, this episode will also speak to you big time.

I love you!

xx Alesha


Work with me: https://www.aleshasoul.com

Money Magnet: https://www.aleshasoul.com/moneymagnet

Aligned + Abundant Business Bundle: https://www.aleshasoul.com/aabbundle


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Don't worry I wont be spamming you, just helping you connect to yourself and feel amazing in your body.