60: the power of energy work and living from soul with the man, the myth, the wizard, Andrew Degregorio

Season #4

In this episode I interview a mentor, intuitive coach, and healer who changed my life many years ago, Andrew Degregorio. In 2020 I worked with Andrew for 6 months and during that time he helped me heal traumas and internal blocks that I couldn't have healed on my own. Most sessions with Andrew felt like we were just sitting there, sometimes talking, mostly meditating, grounding, relaxing and releasing. But SO much more was happening energetically! In this episode Andrew shares with us his wisdom about:

  • Spiritual Gift Development: Different types of magical gifts and how to awaken them within you
  • Effortless Business Growth: How Andrew used energy alignment to build a successful coaching practice with a sold-out private client roster, a growing waitlist, and paid speaking gigs…using no social media!
  • Wealth Creation: How energetically plugging into the universe, healing and deeply connecting to our purpose can help us create wealth
  • Taking action from an energy of love vs. an energy of fear and how it directly affects what we create and magnetize to us
  • The benefits of living from presence deeply connected to the truth of who we are, rather than living from survival and safety strategies
  • The power of being aligned as a coach, and working with someone who is aligned
  • A hobby of Andrew’s that’s leading him to generate more wealth and total freedom

When Andrew was 32, a surfboard bashed into his head when he was out surfing one day. He was left unconscious in the ocean until a complete stranger pulled him out and saved his life. He was never the same again.

After that near-death experience, he questioned his identity and purpose. He noticed he became incredibly present to the world in a way he had never experienced before. He took it upon myself to dive deep into my spiritual practice and that was where he discovered his gifts. He's worked side-by-side with some incredible teachers and became a student of Luminous Awareness Institute. Since then, he's worked with hundreds of clients (with 5-star ratings) that have come to him for reasons that vary from physical pain, trauma, life struggles, business challenges, deepening their spiritual practice, developing their psychic gifts, relationship/family support and too many other topics to name. 

Learn more about Andrew, his story, and ways to work with him here:


Buy Andrew's Book 'The Knock'


Work with Alesha:

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Socials: @alesha.soul


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