Breathe and Receive Podcast

Breathe and Receive Podcast

Hosted by: Alesha Soul

Helping you to grow through energy work, manifestation, quantum physics, soul, and simple, effective AF strategies.


42: how to manifest more quickly and easily using gratitude and joy

Season #4

Welcome to the Breathe and Receive Podcast, episode #42: how to manifest more quickly and easily using gratitude and joy! In this episode you'll discover the manifesting superpowers you have with you, 24/7! The two...
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#41: shifting from head to heart and healing inner child wounds to manifest love with Cesar Rodriguez

Season #4

I think we can all relate to the feeling of our head telling us one thing and our heart telling us another. In this episode, one of my dearest and wisest friends, Cesar Rodriguez, shares with us the story of how he...
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#40 client coffee date: moving through fear and depression to create our dream lives with Sabrina Hochhuth

Season #4

I've had the pleasure of knowing this incredible woman, Sabrina Hochhuth, for many years now. She's taken many of my courses and programs, and she graduated from the first round of our Manifestation Coach program in...
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resting in expansive states of awareness and living from soul with Felicia Gualda

Season #4

In today's episode, we speak with one of my energy mentors and healers, the magical Felicia Gualda. In her essence, Felicia is an initiator of transformation intent on fully integrating body, soul, and Spirit. She...
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3 ways self-love manifests in life + answering questions about Love Embodied

Season #4

Today's episode is a recording of an Instagram Live training I taught on the 3 ways self-love manifests in life, plus I answer questions that I've been asked about, Love Embodied, my Signature 6-week Group Coaching...
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client coffee date: creating a home within ourselves, trusting the universe and becoming a coach with Alisha Norris

Season #4

I've worked the gorgeous soul, Alisha Norris, for 3 years now. She has been a private client of mine, she's taken nearly all of my courses and programs, including Love Embodied, and she recently graduated from the...
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5 extraordinary examples of the power of prayer! allow something greater, stronger and smarter than you to help you live the life of your dreams

Season #4

Happy New Year! There is something greater, stronger and smarter than us all that wants to help you live the life of your dreams. The power of speaking to the Universe and asking for support has helped me create a...
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3 practical ways to get out of living in limiting beliefs and self doubt so that you can thrive

Season #4 Episode #35

Hello beauties! Happy 11/22/22. In today's episode I'll be answering a question I received on my Instagram "Ask Me Anything" story yesterday, "What's one of the best ways you've found to help someone get out of living...
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client coffee date: from body building to intuitive eating and manifesting love with Jennifer Bailey

Season #4 Episode #34

View Alesha's current offerings here: Find Jen on Instagram: @_jmbailey     Become Magnetic as F*ck to Love FREE Series: Manifest Love...
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17 habits that have helped me go from anxious and depressed to happy and thriving

Season #4 Episode #33

Register for a free training with Alesha:
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3 steps to manifesting friends anywhere you go

Season #4 Episode #32

Ways to work with Alesha:
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3 questions that will help you begin healing eating disorders/issues from within

Season #4 Episode #31

Ways to work with Alesha: eat 3-5x a day and live in our bodies 24/7, every day. This won’t change until the day we die. Creating peace around food, and feeling at home within...
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Don't worry I wont be spamming you, just helping you connect to yourself and feel amazing in your body.