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Create your desired reality with Alesha's Morning Magic Routine for just

$17 USD

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Manifest with your new daily manifestation journaling practice!

"I did the morning journaling and literally woke up to $1,000 dollars the next day. What the heck!!! Thank you!!!"

"The morning magic routine helps me feel like ME again. I love it SO MUCH! It helps me align my energy, start the day in a good energy, and I swear I manifest things soooo much faster and easier now."

What's Inside:
🌟 A 17-page Digital Manifestation Journal with journaling prompts and a 4-Step Manifestation Guide
🌟 A 13-minute video explaining how to use the MMR in the most effective way possible
🌟 A highly popular 10-Minute Quantum Leap Meditation 


The practices, journaling prompts and meditation that you will find within this Morning Magic Routine have the power to completely transformed your life, career, happiness, relationships, health and beyond in the most beautiful ways -- they did for Alesha along with many of her clients!

How It Works: As you consciously choose new thoughts, energies and emotions to feel, you will reprogram your brain and body, create new habits and patterns, and magnetize your desired life to you.

At first this new commitment will feel exciting, and then it may feel like a challenge. Our bodies are addicted to the emotions we felt yesterday, even if they are stressful and negative. Love yourself enough to develop self-discipline and commit to yourself. You will find that you fall in love with the way you feel after completing this morning magic routine - and you will become excited about all of the magic, synchronicities, ease and flow that you experience - which will have you coming back to do this Morning Magic Routine again and again.


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What more people are saying...


"Hey Alesha, just so you know, you have totally transformed my life! Or rather God has used you to do this. Your morning magic routine has brought me out of such a dark place, and even though I'm still in the beginning stages of manifestation, and I've been doing this for years, but your morning magic routine has helped bring so much joy into my life. Thank you so much! I am constantly sharing your tools and techniques and ideas, and as an Uber driver, people leave my car in tears, with joy, with hope, and they are so excited for their future!" - Daniel


"I use Alesha’s meditations every day to ground myself at work! I use her journaling exercises every morning.  She gave such a good advice that I use every day! I find that I am enjoying my life more!!! Her breathwork is amazing! I will continue to use these session weekly to clear my energy!  Her breathwork is such a fast track to healing the wounds of my past! You will get so much from her that will lift your soul and help you impact others!" - Amy


"It's interesting anyhow, that I have already filled so many pages in just a few days. I didn't think I have so many thoughts. Thank you you are amazing!" - Irina

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